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Tugas Storyline Original version  MEDIA PROMOTING SCENARIO | ADVERTIZING VIDEO ANIMATION INTRODUCTION TO IBU-MBC BINONG VILLAGE Screenwriter            : Marshanda Annisa Usmany Zahra - 22902410                                     Nahel Shobirin - 2290241081                                     Khonsa Adila Hukma Khanifa - 2290241075 Target                       : Public Duration                   : 5 minutes Serving Format       : Vidio Animasi Subject                     : Tahap Promosi Via media Sosial Media Competencies         :Explaining Profile of IBU-MBC Binong Village with its unique Turquoise Wedding Organizer Key Indicator : The viewers will understand the Strong Potential of Turquoise Wedding Organizer in Desa Binong Skill :  Referring to the thematic context, at the end of video recording, Viewers will visit Binong Village and use Turquoise Wedding Organizer Video Content :                                 1.  Existing of IBU-MBC Binong Village as IBU Parinkraf  Networking  

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